March 25, 2007

A Quick Little Mini Session

I played very little last night. I got in one hour of play and only played one table, but mined a lot of hands through Poker Tracker. I managed to get in 72 hands in that hour and made $6.85. Not much to talk about with this session, but I do believe I missed some value out of one particular hand.

My opponent has played 70 hands with me. His stats are 20/2.5/3, so pretty tight and passive pre flop, and when he hits a hand he will usually fire off a bullet. We both have 100 BB in our stacks. He is in the small blind. I am under the gun and hold Ace, Ten of clubs and make my standard raise of 3.5 times the Big Blind. Villain calls my raise and the flop is As Ah Jh. He bets the minimum ($.25) and I think for a few seconds and make a pot sized raise. He immediately folds. Seeing that my raise tells him I obviously have trip aces, I think the better line would 've been to simply call his bet and see what he does on the turn. My hand would only become vulnerable if he held exactly JJ, or if he had two high hearts, giving him a flush draw. My innitial read was that it was very likely that he had a small pocket pair. I just felt that I let him keep some of his money by raising so big on that flop. I need to find the fine line between trapping and slowplaying big hands to extract value. So many things to perfect.... That's why I love this game!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Always raise that flop. Whenever someone bets the minimum into me on the flop, I raise them almost %100 of the time. This weak .25 bet is a weak way of the player to get information or possible buy the pot.

They never get away with this against me