April 26, 2007

This new approach to playing is going to pay off down the road. Aggression is what makes money in this game and that's been my bane for a while. If this works for a pro who plays $5/$10 NL who am I to think that there is a better way? I won't win every continuation bet I make but I'm determined to improve my game. This is also helping me open up my pre flop game in the right places and I'm getting more action on my big hands. I've found that when I make my raises and opponents playback they: 1) have a big hand or a big draw. 2) are floating me with a small pair. 3) are complete calling stations/idiots. Now the trick is to discern the differences in the players and make the best decisions. So, this is the first step in seriously improving my game. There will be more to come. Many more :) Good luck on the felt...........


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I play poker with other Bears online. Not THAT poker, I'm only little an I don't have many pennies. No.

We play STRIP poker.

I figure that the worst that can happen is you end up sitting in front of your computer naked. And let's face it, who doesn't do that a lot of the time anyway?

Good luck!

Bob ;@}

John said...

Thanks for reading, and I hope you continue to, b.t. Hopefully I'll provide a few tips to help you keep your shirt on.



Anonymous said...

Discerning and picking apart a particular situations is what makes a good player- a great player.

It becomes impossible to become a good hand reader without learning the different types of players and their tendencies.

It sounds like you are really jumping to the next level in your play but one peice of advice: Fine tune your aggression but do not take it to far.

Playing like Jared or the other higher stakes players looks sexy and might work occasionally but you do not most of your money off of these plays.

All I did for two years was play poker and watch the Dynasty pros play: So you can see what you have to look forward to. It is a fun ride.