May 12, 2007

The Cat's Away and The Mouse Will Play......

.... Some pool. Then some poker. My wife and daughter are down at the beach so I thought I would go shoot some stick, have a few beverages and play some pokah! Neon Black will be showing up to play so it'll be fun to get my ass kicked no matter what game I play, except maybe 7 ball. I own him in that game! It'll be good to get some practice in. The new session just started in the APA. I've resurrected my old team name (Quit Talkin' Start Chalkin') and have a slew of new players, except for Neon Black, so we'll see what happens. I'm gonna try 3 tabling tonight and see how much more difficult it is to concentrate and if it affects my winrate (not that it's much to brag about). If all goes well I'll keep doing it until I'm very comforatble and then add in another table. I know there are people out there who can play 9+ tables at a time but not me yet. Small steps first. Oh, Neon is gonna be playing at the house too on a diff. site so I'll probably sweat him a bit and get him to try 6 max. He's such a nit...........:) Good luck on the felt and may the good cards hit your hand


Anonymous said...

LOL @ your old team name.


John said...

You might be right. The last time this team went to the Nationals we only finished tied for 65th out of 839 teams. I'm obviously looking to improve on that this time around. I really want my team to win the 25k.

Anonymous said...

You play APA? If so, what is your rank and how long have you been playing?

I am relitively new to the game, playing about a year now, but still better than most. My game is still really swingy and I am trying to get my basic english and position shots down. Simple things like a decent power draw, I struggle with right now because I do not have the time to put my knuckles to the felt.

John said...

A lot of people think that if you hit the cue ball really hard you'll get more english but that'snot alays the case. Sometimes you'll "hit through" the english. Take a draw for instance. When you make contact with the cue ball using bottom the cue ball actually skids when it's first hit and doesn't spin. Try hitting bottom with a stripe ball to see what I mean. The trick to hitting draw is to keep your stick level and follow through with your shot. In other words, "stroke it, don't poke it". You can get natural shape on almost any ball using center, top and bottom. Hitting throw shots is trickier and I still struggle with those. I always over compensate in that situation. Hope this helps and thanks for reading.

John said...

Sorry, I meant to say when you hit center on the cue ball. When you hit bottom you get backwards spin and after a certain point you'll get forward spin. I really should proof read more.

NeonBlack said...

I've been playing in the APA since around '92 or '93 and have played on several teams with WhoDatDare, including the team that last went to Vegas. I'm a SL6 and have been for the last 5 or 6 years. My advice to anyone trying to learn the game is to forget about english. The whole purpose of shooting a shot with english is to force the cue ball to behave differently than it normally would. If you don't know what the natural course of the cue ball would be, then how can you know what effect putting english on it will have? I rarely shoot any english at all, and when I do, it's usually top or bottom. Putting left and right english on the cue rarely has any added benefit and makes the shot harder to make because it throws the object ball in addition to changing the natural course of the cue ball. Sure, there are a few times when extreme english is necessary, but those cases are few and far between. The most important skill you can learn is speed control. The two most common reasons for missing a shot are bottom english and too much speed. The key to playing winning pool is to make good decisions. A good decision isn't just making the correct shot selection. It's also executing the shot correctly. Give yourself the best chance of making the shot, which usually means laying off the english. Good luck!