May 7, 2007

Two of My Favorite Girls

This picture was taken Dec. 16, 2006 in my back yard. It was taken early in the morning with an Olympus digital camera. No touch ups or filtering were used. The puppy seen here is a 6 week old Golden Retriever and was a Christmas gift from my beautiful wife. My daughter is 20 months old here. I love how it looks like "Goldie" is on the hunt and ready to pounce on her prey, as well as the contrast of her coat against the leaves.


Fletch said...


Nice pic. Children & animals are usually a winner. Both in one is a 'get'.

My 'tip': Cut down your original to 800px. Use Irfanview - it's free and it is intuitive. When you reduce the size, save the reduced image with another name (just add "_800" to the end of the original file name) and that way you still have the original, but you'll also have a reduced image for web publishing.

If a visitor with a dial-up connection accessed your original 1600x1200 image it would take ages for it to download to their computer!

Be Happy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Hommie!

I envy you in a way...You have a huge responsibilty that I am not sure I am ready for.

John said...

And you think I was ready? I was scared to death. Nobody is ever ready. But it's worth itwhen it happens.....

david mcmahon said...

G'day John,

I agree with Terry. It's a lovely picture. I like the angle. I like the background. I like the sheer joy in the puppy's poise and of course you daughter seems to be having the best time.

It is a ``natural'' shot in every respect. I wouldn't crop it, I would do anything to it. It's just right.

You've done really well with this one. And the nice thing is that it is NOT a posed shot with your daughter holding the pup. You have captured the moment - perfectly.

Well done. And Terry's spot-on about the download.

Look forward to more of your work.

Cheers, mate


John said...

Thank you, fletch for the tip and for visiting my blog as well. On your advice I will try Irfanview for my next post. And, of course I will be checkng your blog for more tips.



John said...

David, what made this shot truly amazing to me was the fact that there is a delay on my wife's digital camera and I had no idea what kind of shot I was actually going to have. I just started fooling around with this camera - I don't really know much about the settings - and sort of anticipate what will happen.

This was the only shot I took in the back yard so I feel very pleased that it came out this way.

Thanks for your in put, and the vest to you.



John said...

Can you tell typing is one of my better skills? That should say the best to you, David :)

david mcmahon said...

G'day John,

That's even more remarkable. One shot. One winner.

Great work with that picture.
