June 27, 2007


Heads up Sit & Go's are out for now. I don't like the swings and there's no future in it for me. I haven't played that much but when I have I have been:
a) pretty unlucky by pre flop bluffing with KK into QQ and seing a Q on the flop.
b)Playing on tilt and doing the same dumb things that I thought I had a handle on.

Apparently not all the time. So I have hit a little downswing in June and lost 6 buy ins. I'm sure there are peoople who see that kind of swing in a session, but I don't play 3k hands per day. If I'm lucky I get in 500 ona week night. I'm still okay in the bankroll dept. so I just need to grind out some hours and profit. If I have time tonight I'll be playing ata table of players from here. It's an exercise brought up by Flamm to learn from each other and it should be pretty fun, provided I don't lose 4 buy ins quick. If my daughter cooperates and gets to sleep (and STAYS asleep) I'll stop in for a few hands and donate a little. It'll be good to get some feedback on how some hands were played. Advanced thanks to Ryan for taping and making this a video for us. Hope things are going good in Vegas at the WSOP for you, Jared, MO and all the rest who are out there. Maybe next year I can fly out and hang for a while.

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