August 1, 2007

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Not the one you're thinking of from the chant. The original Jerry. I've seen him, and the Grateful Dead more than any other band in my life. His guitar playing is extremely under-rated by the public, but he was truly phenomenal to see live. I hope you enjoy this song. It's called Peggy-O and this is one of the best versions I've ever heard.

Happy birthday, Jerry, on what would've been your 65th. You are sorely missed but still revered for the indelible mark you left on my soul.


Anonymous said...

"Jerry Garcia in a pouch"
"Man, Who sold you that shit."
"Barry Garcia."
"Who the fuck is that supposed to be, Jerry Garcia's brother."

"No, it is Andy Garcia's Brother. HAH."

Seen that movie more times than I can count. Lemme know if you can tell me what flick that is from.

John said...

Is that Half Baked?