September 11, 2007

In Memory of Souls Lost....

I think Iced Earth said it best in this video. I get chills watching this.

I'm sure we all remember exactly where we were and what we were doing 6 years ago today.
I recall thinking, "We're going to war" and hoping my brother would somehow make it through another tour in the Middle East. He's a Cavalry Scout, so he's half nuts ;-) He fought in Desert Storm and spent another 18 months during "Shock and Awe" fighting with the 3rd Infantry Division and 101st Airborne. It looks like he may be deployed again after his Drill Sergeant gig is up early next year. God Speed, brother. And God Bless all our troops who sacrifice so much and receive so little in return. You are all heroes in my eyes.

1 comment:

david mcmahon said...

G'day from Oz,

God bless your brother, and all who don the uniform and salute the flag.

