April 20, 2008

Marvelous Macro

Here's a better example of what the Canon S3IS with the Raynox DCR-250 Macro add-on lens. The picture below was taken late Saturday night beneath the light on my deck. It was taken through the Raynox at 8x optical zoom and he is about 3/4 of an inch in length. Both of these shots can be clicked on for a larger image view without taking up your whole screen. Thanks to Terry Fletcher for his tutorial on how to implement thickbox.

IMG_2142+copy.jpg - (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

This is the same insect taken at full magnification (12x optical, 4x digital) and I focused on where the antennae connect to his head. This Raynox lens gives such great detail! Hope you like these. Please leave a comment if you do.

IMG_2141.JPG - (click on the thumbnail for a lrger image)


david mcmahon said...

Is that an insect aside ? !!!!!!

Very nice macro work - and the peacock feather too.

Gets a big thumbs-up from me, mate. And yes, Terry Fletcher is a legend.

Rose said...

Came over from David's blog. Only two words from me.
Wow. Incredible.

John said...

Yes, David, that is the exact same insect, but I zoomed in closer and focused solely on his head part. It is insane how some of these shots turn out. Thanks for the kudos on the peacock feather as well. I got that shot from the 2nd level of a barn, shooting down towards him. That shot is also full framed and uncropped.

John said...

@ golightly:

Thank you so much for the visit and the kind words.

Alex said...

Good to see you are putting your toy to good use hehehe.... Love the macro shot, that insect looks spectacular!! keep it up.

Cath said...

Came over from David's - that is amazing. What a camera! What a photographer! What a shot!


John said...

David, I had toread you comemt a couple of times to let it really hit home. Insect aside.... brilliant!

John said...

Lex, thanks again for visiting. It seems like your coaching with LP is going really well. I love the replayer you use in your blog to. Where did you find it?



John said...


Thank you for the wonderful comments. I guess every once in a while I find a gem of an opportunity and try to capture something cool to look at.

This new lens really lets you see the beauty of nature in the tiniest creatures, and that it didn't over look any details.



Alex said...

I found the replayer on a forum. I think works pretty good for using it on blogs.

keep it up and gl at the tables.

Anonymous said...

YIKES! Crazy awesome macro.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, april 20th last blog entry... wtf man?