April 28, 2009

Tomorrow's Video on Deucescracked.com

Recently I played a "home game" on Poker Stars that consisted of 6 members from Deuces Cracked playing some micro limit hold em.

The bonus to playing against 5 other really tough opponent's was that it was recorded and used in one of the many great series that DC has every season. This game will be part of Passing The Torch, run by PygmyHero who is coaching Adrienne'sRevenge and helping her ascend to higher levels.

The other great thing about this video is DC's awesome technology of the hole card cam, where all our cards will be seen during the entire video. This enables PygmyHero, and his special guest (another coach from DC) to critique all of the players during this session, which will greatly benefit all of us and show us the weak spots to work on in our game. and They are the only poker training site out there with this feature and it is truly cutting edge. So this will be further proof of how much of a donk I really am. I ran pretty good after making some horrendous errors which I'm sure will be pointed out. I hope all my fellow BGLL members get something out of it besides knowing what a fish I can be.

Talk to you all soon....


Alex said...

Nice... you are famous!!! I usually don't watch limit videos, but will watch this one.

Hope the coaches don't say something too bad about you hehehe....


John said...

I didn't know you were a member at DC. Whats your SN there?

Alex said...

I don't write much in the forums, but my sn is Lex.