March 2, 2008

Macro Monday

IMG_1531.JPG - (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

So I'm playing fetch the ball with my Golden Retriever to wear her butt out and I spy this weed coming up in the lawn. The flowers looked pretty cool so I thought I'd give it a look through my Raynox lens to get up close. This lens allows you to really get inside the subject, almost like having a microscope. The flower you see below is slightly larger than a grain of rice, so imagine how small the bug is that's sitting on the top here. This is a full frame, hand held shot using the magnification (21x) from my Canon S3 IS.

IMG_1505.JPG - (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

As always, you can click on the thumbnail for a larger image. Comments welcome.


david mcmahon said...

Good work. Thaks for telling us how little it really is.

In the next ten days or so, I'll be testing a new macro lens - so watch this space!

david mcmahon said...

Forgot to ask - is that a begonia?

John said...

It's a variant of Henbit, which is part of the mint family. This flower was slightly larger in length than a grain of rice and about the same width.

Can't wait to see some of your macros, David, and thanks for the visit.
