April 20, 2008

Marvelous Macro

Here's a better example of what the Canon S3IS with the Raynox DCR-250 Macro add-on lens. The picture below was taken late Saturday night beneath the light on my deck. It was taken through the Raynox at 8x optical zoom and he is about 3/4 of an inch in length. Both of these shots can be clicked on for a larger image view without taking up your whole screen. Thanks to Terry Fletcher for his tutorial on how to implement thickbox.

IMG_2142+copy.jpg - (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

This is the same insect taken at full magnification (12x optical, 4x digital) and I focused on where the antennae connect to his head. This Raynox lens gives such great detail! Hope you like these. Please leave a comment if you do.

IMG_2141.JPG - (click on the thumbnail for a lrger image)

April 17, 2008

Peacock Feathers

This was taken at my daughter's birthday party at a petting zoo from about 20 feet inthe air. Full framed, uncropped shot at full magnification (12x optical, 4x Digital).

Peacock+Feather.jpg - (click onthe thumbnail for a larger image)

April 8, 2008

No Poker Today, But Some Cool Pics I Took

So this past Sunday I'm relaxing on the deck and chatting with Mrs. Whodat and this little anole comes running by. Luckily I had my camera handy.

He's sitting there doing what looked like push-ups, and then shows off his dewlap to attract females (can't say that I blame him...it's a beautiful day and I'm sure the lady anoles are cruising as well)and defend his territory.

Green+Anole.jpg (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

They're about 9 inches long and this particular reptile is the only one native to the U.S. They're commonly confused as chameleons as they have the ability to turn brown also. There was actually a brown one on my deck. I almost caught a shot of him grabbing a bug but it wasn't meant to be.

Below is a closer shot of him taken with full maginifcation on my Canon S3 IS (12x optical, 4x digital)

Green+Anole+Headshot.jpg (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

The shot below was even closer as he scurried to another beam on the deck. All these shots are full frame and no cropping at all. Hope you enjoy these. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Green+Anole+Head+Close+Up.jpg (click onthe thumbnail for a larger image)

April 3, 2008

Poker, Poker, Poker

In a recent post I talked about losing focus on what games I wanted to concentrate on and I think I've come up with an idea that will work. I'm going to stay with NL 6-max for the most part on Full Tilt Poker and Bodog. I'm also going to drop down a level at FTP to work out some of my leaks. But I'll be playing 6-max Limit on Poker Stars since my bankroll is quite smaller there. Playing limit will give me something to do at work during the slow times (semi-brag, I guess).

There's a new site that I would like you to try out called The Poker Basement run by one of my mini mastermind members, Flamm. He's a successful player who's turned $84.00 into well over 4 digits and is really generous with his time. His site is very good to get your feet wet if you like playing online poker but just don't know where to begin.

He has some great articles for beginners, bank roll building, reviews of training sites, books and software, and if you get stuck in a hand you can email the hand history to him and he'll analyse it for you. Kind of like having a personal coach.

So now you're thinking, 'great, but what's the catch'? That's the best thing about The Poker Basement. There isn't one because it's a FREE SITE. Please check out his content and leave him a comment. His site will be huge one day and you can say you were there in the beginning. Until then, good luck on the felt and may the good cards hit your hand.