March 21, 2007

Last night was pool league so I didn't get in any poker, but after my match I saw an interesting game about to start. The pool hall I frequent has some serious gambling going on sometimes and I have personally watched Cliff Joyner play some one pocket before heading to Louisville for the Derby City Classic, and watched Corey Deuel one evening as well. If you enjoy pool and ever get a chance to watch a real pro in action, do yourself a favor and take it. You will be impressed.

So, back to the matchup at hand. My friend, who we'll call J, is a skill level 6 and plays very sound pool. The other player, who we'll call B, is some guy who stumbled in and wants to gamble, but doesn't really know how good J is. They agree to play some 8 ball, APA rules, but J has to give up some weight to make it fair. J gives B the option of taking two of his balls off the table after the break, provided that the table isn't still open. This sounds like a set up for disaster for J, but in reality makes the game easier for him, because when B removes his balls it makes the run out easier, as now there is less traffic for him to navigate. Well, it turns out that B is worse than anyone thought and J ended up giving him 4 balls to remove and he still came out winner. I wish I could get that action........


Lisa said...

Hi Johnny
I think it might be working

John said...

Thnaks fo rthe feedback, Lisa, and please visit again.


Lisa said...

So he kick some butt!!!

John said...

Yes, he did pretty well.