August 11, 2008

Gambool It Up, Baby!

I played some live poker at the pool hall Saturday night. It was for something called It doesn't cost anything to play. There is no gambling involved. I had a lot of fun playing and adjusted to the structure rather quickly so I felt I had a huge advantage.

They are basically 10 handed single table tournaments with 100-200 starting blinds. You start with a stack of 2500 and the blinds go up every 10 minutes. Now here's the catch. The pool hall runs drink specials and every beer/mixed drink you buy earns you more chips. I never started with 2500 chips :) If you win your STT you get a certificate to play in the Championships held in September. If you win that I think they'll sponsor you for one/some real money tournaments at a casino of your choice. I don't know enough about that part yet. This thing just started in Alabama but is pretty big in Florida.

The games were ridiculously soft, as expected. One guy directly to my right raises UTG with KT off-suit on the second hand and shoves with air on the flop. People routinely limp/calling with any Ace rag hand. So it's a fish fry on a Saturday night. Time to gambool it up!
I open-raised to 4X BB in 5th position on a full table with AT sooted in level one, the Button calls and I have him covered. I flop top two pair with 2 to a flush showing. I shove because it's basically a pot sized bet and I wanna fatten up my stack and I have 3 beers in front of me and no more drink holders are to be found! The button eventually calls with a low pocket pair and he raps the table when he doesn't improve.

About 6 hands later I get involved in a hand with a player who seems competent. He did 3-bet one time from late position and showed AK after a flop c-bet. In the hand with him I open raise 3X BB from the Button w KT (clubs) and he smooth calls quickly in the Big Blind. The flop comes Kh, 3c 8c and he donks into me for the minimum so I shove. He tanks for what seems like 3 minutes and the dealer asks if I want to call the clock on him. I decline the option and start drinking one of the previously mentioned beers. He finally calls me with.........Ace 4 off suit, no club!

Now I'm comfortably stacked and can concentrate on my beer - er opponents - without worrying about the structure so much. The table gets 4 handed soon after and I open raise UTG w/77 and get shoved on by the short stack who apparently thought K5 off-suit was a venrable power house hand. I insta-call as it's only 300 more chips and I hit my set on the flop. Next hand I shove from the BB and show 94 off-suit after everyone folds. The woman to my right moans in disgust at this, says nothing, but is clearly impressed with my play ;)

I eventually get to Heads up with her and on the first hand I open shove with a slightly better, like T9 or something and show it again. I see her jaw clench and she's shaking her head and has this grimace on her face like she's gonna peel off my skin or something. Mind you, I haven't said a word to her. So I'm thinking she's only gonna play back at me soon thinking I'm a donkey,which I am, and a drunk one at that. I ease up for about 2 hands and fold one Small Blind, check my option in the BB and check fold a flop. Next hand I get A7 diamonds and open for 3X BB and get smooth called. The flop comes up all low cards and 2 diamonds. She check-calls my shove with KJ off-suit, hits a J on the flop and smiles at me until the diamond falls on the turn.
Good luck on the felt and may the good cards hit your hand.

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