June 30, 2008

I DOn't Want To Go Off On A Rant Here...

... But this is really stupid of the government, I think.

Mrs. Whodat calls me and lets me know our Economic Stimulus Check arrived in the mail. Sweet! It was only scheduled to get here in May, but because we filed electronically and took some normal deduction we would have to wait until "around July 4th" to receive the funds.

So all is forgiven until Mrs. Whodat opens the envelope and discovers there isn't a check in there. Instead, what we got was a letter informing us that, (these are my words and not the IRS' words at all, but you get the gist of it, I'm sure) 'this isn't the actual check you were expecting but a letter telling you that it's in the mail, and here's how we calcualted everything and blah, blah blah'. Look, I dont care how you killed the cow. Just bring me the steak already.

Now, I love and appreciate bureaucracy as much as anyone because it has such redeeming societal qualities that everyone should embrace (I hope your sarcasm level is set to high right now). But do you really want to stimulate the economy? Here's a novel idea that may work. Stop sending stupid letters that say you are getting a check and actually send the check. There. You just made a 50% savings on your postage expenditures because of me. Multiply that by the millions of these things you sent out and invest that into tax incentives for small businesses.

I know, I know. It's too simplistic of an idea to implement but it would work. If the IRS is reading this and likes the idea I hope they pay me for my genius. I'll be waiting by the mailbox for that check too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The government is obviously ran by full tilt.