June 30, 2008

When It Rains It Pours

What a start to our summer. Went to the lake with friends last Sunday and had an awesome time. Monday Mrs. whodat's AC went out in her vehicle (anyone believe in omens?). So there goes a nice chunk of change right before our vacation. Wait,if I remember correctly didn't something like this happen last year too?

Two days later we had some nasty little pop-up storms - you know, the kind that just pop up out of nowhere - hit us pretty hard and we get this lightning damage courtesy of Mother Nature (pictured below). Joy of joys :0)

IMG_2978.JPG - (click the thumbnail for a larger image)

This oak tree stands at least 35 feet tall and provides a good amount of shade from the afternoon sun. There was debris scattered all over the back deck and in the backyard approximately 50 feet away from the tree.

I have some sheet rock damage in the dining room from the concussive force of the strike and have lost my desktop computer, a garage door opener, our TV we bought last year, DVD player, a sweet Keurig coffee machine, and some damamge to some outlets in the house. We're still finding little things every day.

The funny thing is my computer is on the same surge protector as my scanner, paper shredder, and monitor and they are fine. Same thing with the TV and DVD; they're hooked into the same protector as the stereo and CD player, which they work fine.

IMG_2969.JPG - (click the thumbnail for a larger image)

Here's a close up of part of the bottom of the tree. This strip is 10 inches wide and runs from the ground to about the 10 foot mark. Here's hoping the insurance company truly is a "good neighbor".

Good luck on the felt and may the good cards hit your hand..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats crazy john. for a minute there I thought I was reading my own blog.

hope things get better man.