June 7, 2008

It's Been A While

So glad to see people care enough to wonder why I haven't posted anything in looonng time (Flamm). Thanks to anyone out there who still drops by. Poker-wise, I've decided to play Limit Hold 'Em to make Iron Man at Full Tilt for their mid year bonus. Free money really intrigues me and if they're giving it away I might as well grab it.

Phot0-wise I'm loving my Canon Powershot S3 IS and the Raynox DCR-250 Macro lens! Here's some I took a few minutes ago while out on the deck. I'll show the macro first and follow up with a post showing you the full picture. The shot below is, as I usually do here, full framed and un-cropped. Make some guesses as to what you think it is, and you'll have bragging rights for a while.

Macro1.jpg - (click on the thumbnail for a larger image)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what that is a pic of. some type of crown? idk.

why are you doing limit? your NL game off?